Soonapse with Ploovium® is among five finalists in the Merlin Innovation Awards (MIA) Service of the Year category.
Merlin Innovation Awards (MIA) is an initiative launched by European Union’s flagship project, Merlin. The MIA recognizes new, widely applicable solutions for restoring the functions of freshwater ecosystems or enabling their financial benefit of.
The best innovative solutions are divided into two categories: the MIA Product of the year and the MIA Service of the year, and Ploovium® is part of the international selection of finalists for this second category.

The European Union’s Merlin flagship project has a very important goal: Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of Freshwater Ecosystems in a Landscape Context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation, and Ploovium® provides the key to enabling the coexistence of freshwater ecosystem development and agricultural activities of the territory.
Saving water for irrigation, avoiding water table depletion, decreasing the risks of water salinization, offering farmers the opportunity to lower their costs and make their products more competitive in the marketplace while fostering environmental restoration-these are the benefits offered by Ploovium® and appreciated by Merlin.